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Cor, did she just say what I think she just said?

As a lifelong Beatles fan, and a self-styled vegan kitchen witch, it occurred to me that I should combine two of my greatest loves and create a cooking blog that posts only (vegan) recipes that recall lyrics from their vast catalogue of songs. My initial inspiration, natch, was George Harrison’s impeccable ‘Savoy Truffle’, but as I began my preliminary research I came to find that the Beatles actually referenced food and eating very frequently in their lyrics and I found myself becoming more inspired the more lyrics I read.

My goal is to post at least one new Beatles treat or dish, along with the recipe, per week. Please stay tuned for my very first contribution to this very exciting new blog.

Note: My avatar is a detail from a painting of Frances Howard, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox (d. 1639).

She was known for her beauty, lineage, and several marriages. The actual artist’s name is unknown, it is credited only to “A Follower of Sir Anthony van Dyck”. There was in truth no actual Duchess of Kircaldy outside the bounds of John Lennon’s imagination.

O-bla-di O-bla-da, Life Goes On

May 2024